Legacy Products



1998 Stereophile Loudspeakers of the Year Award!!

Creating The Ultimate Illusion

In component audio systems, the loudspeaker is the most vital and determining link between the listener and the performance. The ideal loudspeaker is one which is so transparent that it recreates the original sound event in every detail, creating the illusion of a live performance. Capturing the very soul of the music, you will be moved by the beauty of the experience.

With the introduction of the Beethoven Loudspeaker System from Audio Artistry, the elusive illusion of live sound is so convincing that you must experience it yourself to believe it. Our goal with the Beethoven was to build a loudspeaker that virtually eliminates every significant distortion-creating element. With the Beethoven's novel, industry standard-setting design, essentially nothing comes between you and the performance. Not even the distortion that's inherent in every listening room. The experience is visceral; theillusion complete.



The Dvorak is the latest reference-quality loudspeaker for component audio systems to come from the experienced technical pioneers of Audio Artistry. It sets a new acoustic performance standard and challenges any loudspeaker available today.

The Dvorak uses the well known dipole design concept in a novel way. It is a moderately directional loudspeaker over all of its frequency range. It illuminates the listening room with sound, which at any angle is almost perfectly matched to the on-axis output, except lower in level. This not only ensures a smooth spectral balance of the reverberant sound field, it quite literally removes the inherent acoustic contributions of the listening environment.

Painting a perfect soundstage begins with the bold strokes of creative audio engineering mastered by Audio Artistry and their latest creation,the Dvorak.



The Vivaldi is the latest reference-quality oudspeaker for component audio systems to come from the experienced technical pioneers of Audio Artistry. It sets a new acoustic performance standard for sound reproduction in a wide range of home listening environments.

The Vivaldi uses the well known dipole design concept in a novel way. It is a moderately directional loudspeaker over all of its frequency range. It illuminates the listening room with sound which at any angle is almost perfectly matched to the on-axis output, except lower in level. This not only ensures
a smooth spectral balance of the reverberant sound field, it quite literally removes the inherent acoustic contributions of the listening environment.

Painting a perfect soundstage begins with the bold strokes of creative audio engineering mastered by Audio Artistry and their latest creation, the Vivaldi.

Reviews and Papers

Reason & Motivation

Linkwitz Interview and Dvorak Review

Dvorak Absolute Sound Review

Audio Adventure

The Vivaldi Review

Siegfried Linkwitz


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